Governing Bodies

The President of India is the Visitor of the Institute.

In addition, the following Statutory bodies oversee the working of the Institute :
The Senate (NIPER/RGO/Committees/2025/4032) 
Academic Planning and Development Committee (APDC) (NIPER/RGO/Committees/2025/5168) New
Finance Committee  
Laboratory Services, Building and Works Committee (LSBWC) (NIPER/RGO/Committees/2025/5169) New
Name Designation Email Contact No.
Prof. Dulal Panda Director director [at] 2214690, 2214697, 2292001, 2292002
Prof. Kulbhushan Tikoo Dean dean [at] 2214695, 2292003, 2292004
Wing Cdr. PJP Singh Waraich (Retd.) Registrar registrar [at] 2230068, 2292005, 2292008
Head of Departments (HoDs) / In-Charge
Name Designation Department Contact No. Email
Prof. Rahul Jain HoD Medicinal Chemistry 2292027, 2292022 mc [at]
Prof. Inder Pal Singh HoD and In-Charge (Interim Period) Medical Devices Natural Products 2292033, 2292036 np [at]
Prof. Abhay T Sangamwar In-Charge (Interim Period) Pharmaceutical Analysis 2292144, 2292030 pa [at]
Prof. Shyam. S. Sharma HoD Pharmacology and Toxicology 2292049, 2292042 pc [at]
Prof. Sanyog Jain HoD Pharmaceutics 2292126, 2292054 pe [at]
Prof. Abhay H. Pande HoD Biotechnology 2292062, 2292068 bt [at]
Dr. Dipika Bansal HoD (Interim Period) Pharmacy Practice 2292135 pp [at]
Prof. Arvind Bansal HoD (Interim Period) Pharmaceutical Management 2292133 pm [at]
Prof. M. Elizabeth Sobhia HoD Pharmacoinformatics 2292018, 2292017 pi [at]
Prof. Joydev K. Laha HoD Pharmaceutical Technology (Biotechnology, Process Chemistry and Formulations) 2292124, 2292125, 2292208 ptbt [at]
Minutes of Meetings
Minutes of Meeting of the 9th Board of Studies and Research (BSR) of NIPER S.A.S. Nagar held on 20.08.2018.
Minutes of House Allotment Committee Meeting of NIPER S.A.S. Nagar held on 08.06.2018
Minutes of House Allotment Committee Meeting of NIPER S.A.S. Nagar held on 02.11.2017
Minutes of House Allotment Committee Meeting of NIPER S.A.S. Nagar held on 30.10.2017
Minutes of House Allotment Committee Meeting of NIPER S.A.S. Nagar held on 12.09.2017
Minutes of House Allotment Committee Meeting of NIPER S.A.S. Nagar held on 23.08.2017
Minutes of Meeting of the 18th APDC Meeting of NIPER S.A.S. Nagar held on 27.06.2017
Minutes of Meeting of the 8th Board of Studies and Research (BSR) of NIPER S.A.S. Nagar held on 20.06.2017.
Single Point Nodal Section of NIPER SAS Nagar (NIPER/RGO/OO/2020/1716; Dated: 24-Sep-2020)
NIPER Recruitment Rules
Rules for Recruitment to Faculty/ Scientific/Technical/Ministerial and Other Posts
NIPER Citizen Charter
Citizen Charter and Standing Operating Procedure

NIPER Residence Allotment Rules /Circulars

"Insertion of Rule 11(a) i.e., Allotment on Special License Fee"; Dated: 27/11/2017
Amendment of "Allotment of Residence (NIPER) Rules, 2001"; Dated: 10/10/2017
Residence Allotment Circular dated 14.09.2009
Allotment of Residence (NIPER) Rules, 2001
Procurement Projections
Procurement Projections Data of NIPER SAS Nagar for the years 2021-2026
Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B)
Annual Work Plan and Budget for the Year 2016-2017
Minutes of the Meeting of Project Appraisal Board (PAB) for the Approval of the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) of NIPER Mohali held on 12-04-2016.
Scheme for Engagement of Consultants at NIPER
Scheme for engagement of Consultants at NIPER (As approved in 59th BoG Meeting)


CIRCULAR: AMA List 2024-2025 for Central Govt. Employees of Chandigarh, Mohali, & Panchkula
OFFICE ORDER: Office Order regarding benefit of Contingency Grant to Ph.D. Scholars in the Department of Pharmaceutical Management (OO No. 20PMP529/692; Dated: 04-08-2023)
OFFICE ORDER: List of Empanelled Healthcare Service Providers/Hospitals (OO No. F.1-5(6)/2018/Estt./458; Dated: 13-07-2023)
Procurement of Material under Cash Purchases and Sub-Committees [Office Order] [Stores Manual] [Purchase Procedure]
CIRCULAR: Circular Regarding NPS Dues Pending for Settlement (No. F.5-16(297)/AG-2/297; Dated: 23-06-2022)
Movable Property Acquisition Form under Rule 18(3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964
Revision of Maintenance Charges for use of Convention Centre NIPER SAS Nagar (NIPER/RGO/Misc./2019/1105)
Guidelines for Travel Allowance & Leave Travel Concession-Booking of Tickets, Air Travel etc.
Office Order regarding "Revised Rates of Guest House and Trainees' Hostel, Community Centre, Medicinal Garden, Central Animal Facility" (NIPER/RGO/OO/2018/1072; Dated:03.07.2018)